Thigh surgery

The goal of this procedure is to give the thighs a firm and slim appearance with the minimum of scarring necessary to eliminate the unpleasant appearance caused by age, fat accumulations or weight changes.

Post-bariatric surgery

In patients who have had a significant weight loss, different procedures are performed at the facial, abdominal, chest, back, arms and legs in order to remove excess skin and give a harmonious body contour that corresponds to the current weight and age of the patient.

Reconstructive surgery

It includes the treatment of chronic wounds, scars, hand diseases such as carpal tunnel syndrome, birth malformations such as cleft lip and palate, tumors in skin or fatty tissue, burns, modeling disease (injected materials), burns, among others.

Genital rejuvenation

Whether due to the pass of time or after a childbirth, volume is lost and skin laxity in the female genital area increases. The goal of this procedure is to remove excess tissue as well as restore the space of the vagina.

Mommy makeover

Motherhood is the greatest joy but it also causes many changes in the body. This procedure popularized with this name combines different surgeries in order to restore the unwanted effects of pregnancy on the abdomen, breast and body contour.


It aims to remove fat accumulations in localized places of the body that do not respond to diet and exercise, improving the body contour through the strategic relocation of fat. It includes the possibility of performing a high-definition technique to accentuate the appearance of the muscles.

Facial Cosmetic Surgery

Through these techniques we seek to achieve an aesthetic and harmonious result of the facial proportions according to the characteristics of each patient. – Reduce cheeks (bichatectomy) – Chin surgery – Ear surgery – Double chin liposuction